E Dumont & E Desmazieres
Venice Biennale, 2008

"Conflict" sculpture,
Venice Biennale of 2008
E. Dumont & E. Desmazieres for Jakob+McFarlane

Emmanuel Dumont, PhD

Founder and CEO of Shade

Faculty member at the Center for Discovery and Innovation

I am the founder and CEO of Shade, a semiconductor startup that commercializes a novel UV sensor that mimics the skin sensitivity. Our technology is currently being used by both top-tier academic hospitals and large publicly-traded companies. I am also a faculty member at the Center for Discovery and Innovation where I develop new statistical methods to analyze epigenetic-genetic interactions.

Previously, I was a postdoctoral scientist at the Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute in NYC, working on the early development of Shade. Before that, I got my PhD in biophysics at Columbia University working on molecular tribology. My PhD work was published in Nature Nanotechnology and I was awarded the Liu-Ping fellowship for ranking first at the department's qualifying examinations.

Finally, the picture above represents the "Conflict" sculpture which I designed for the Venice Biennale of architecture in 2008.

Entrepreneurship, from bench to bedside

issued patents
raised in funding
UV datapoints measured
accuracy gain of our technology

Starting from an idea, I raised $5M in funding from angel investors, early-stage venture capitalists, NIH/NCI, and NSF to hire a team of scientists and engineers. Together, we developed, validated, and commercialized a novel UV-sensing semiconductor proven to be at least 3x more accurate than competitors' sensors when measuring the UV index from a variety of different sunlight situations. Our technology is currently used by several academic hospitals across the US and Europe and global publicly-traded companies.

We also designed, sponsored, and ran a randomized clinical trial on a population at high-risk of skin cancer. A publication is in preparation.

Collectively, our sensors have measured over 3 million datapoints of personal UV exposure across thousands of people.


My research is in the physics of semiconductors, digital health, and the development of useful statistical methods to analyze large-scale datasets of complex outcome and biological data.

Work in progress

    Data science | Genomics

    During my studies, I have used Bayesian statistics to cluster protein heights and neural networks to untangle signals. I am currently focusing on developing machine-learning algorithms to analyze large datasets of clinical outcomes and genetic & epigenetic information.

    Show publications

    During my PhD, I discovered that in-vitro kinesin-propelled microtubules experience "molecular wear" (Nature Nanotechnology publication). I also measured the height of surface-adhered kinesin proteins as a function of their density and found that their behavior follow the "mushroom-to-brush" transition that P.G. de Gennes, Nobel Prize laureate in Physics, predicted for polymers.

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    UV-sensing semiconductors have been around for about 60 years but they were never designed to measure solar UV exposure with the same sensitivity as the skin's. As a result, they are very inaccurate when measuring the "UV index" from sunlight (The UV index reflects the damage on the human skin). Using machine-learning, we discovered a low-cost and accurate way of measuring the UV index, which we validated and patented. Such an accuracy usually requires using a $5,000 instrument that is at most portable.

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    Digital health

    At Shade, we have been very active in advancing the field of digital health. I have contributed to several publications in the space:

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    Several research groups have also used the UV sensors we commercialize to conduct their own research on patient behavior in the sun (I am not a co-author in these publications).

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    All my recent code is on Github.

    • CloudASM: an ultra-efficient cloud-based pipeline for mapping allele-specific methylation from NGS data.

    Selected Talks & Invitations

    I have given several talks and been invited as a speaker to several conferences. Below we show two of them that found they way to Youtube:

    Invited talk at the LDV summit about Shade
    Invited talk at TEDx Columbia about my art work.
    Interview on French cable news about the Theranos scandale

    I have been several times on French cable news to speak about biotechnology and startups. Here is one video (in French)

    Full list of conference invitations
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    emmanuel dumont

    Emmanuel Dumont, PhD